Lehrstuhl UTS Logo
Uni Siegen Logo
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Postal address

Universität Siegen
Department Maschinenbau
Institut für Produktionstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik
Breite Straße 11
D-57076 Siegen


Contact: Sabine Becker
Room No.: BS-D 105
Telephone: +49 271 740 - 4404
Fax: +49 271 740 - 14404
E-Mail: uts-sekretariat@uni-siegen.de

Route description


Route description: ÖPNV

Take the bus or train to the “Weidenau ZOB” stop. It is then just a few minutes’ walk along Bahnhof Weidenau to Breite Straße. After a few 100 meters, turn left over the bridge and follow the street for about 50 meters until you reach the university building on the right.

Lehrstuhl Logo

Postal address

Universität Siegen
Department Maschinenbau
Institut für Produktionstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik
Breite Straße 11
D-57076 Siegen


Contact: Sabine Becker
Room No.: BS-D 105
Telephone: +49 271 740 - 4404
Fax: +49 271 740 - 14404
E-Mail: uts-sekretariat@uni-siegen.de

Route description


Route description: ÖPNV

Take the bus or train to the “Weidenau ZOB” stop. It is then just a few minutes’ walk along Bahnhof Weidenau to Breite Straße. After a few 100 meters, turn left over the bridge and follow the street for about 50 meters until you reach the university building on the right.

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