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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Manns

+49 271 740 - 5041
PB-A 339/1
Universität Siegen
Fakultät IV
Department Maschinenbau
Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Montage
Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11
57076 Siegen
Im Vorlesungszeitraum mittwochs 11:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr, außerhalb nach Vereinbarung


Studium des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Auslandssemester an der Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, Frankreich
Marketing OEM/Unternehmensentwicklung bei der SIG Positec BERGERLAHR GmbH
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IPH-Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH
Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. an der Universität Hannover
Post-Doctorate Fellow am Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) Centre der University of Windsor, Ontario, Kanada
Projektleiter Automatisierungstechnologien bei der Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Forscher/Entwickler Produktionsplanung / produktionsnahe Forschung bei der Daimler AG
seit 2016
Universitätsprofessor, Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Montage an der Universität Siegen
seit 2018
Vorstandsmitglied des Siegener Mittelstandsinstituts (SMI) und assoziiertes Mitglied des Zentrums für Sensorsysteme (ZESS)
seit 2019
Delegierter der Universität Siegen im Fakultätentag Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (FTMV)
seit 2024
Departmentsprecher Maschinenbau



Journal Articles

  • Elleuch, W., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2025. Mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit für die Kleinserienproduktion: Skalierbare und flexible Rohkarosserie-Fertigungslinie mit kollaborativen mobilen Robotern. Industry 4.0 Science, 41 (2), 60–67. 2


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M., Raza, S.M., Morez, D., Schreiber, F., and Engel, B., 2024. Embedding optical fiber with laser metal deposition. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. (doi)
  • Schiller, M., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Morez, D., Manns, M., and Engel, B., 2024. Smart design and additive manufacturing of bending tools to improve production flexibility. Manufacturing Letters, 41, 91–102. (doi)
  • Stade, D., Spoor, J.M., Manns, M., and Ovtcharova, J., 2024. Process time distribution simulation in robotic assembly line balancing. International Journal of Production Research, 0 (0), 1–18. 0 (doi)
  • Schützenberger, J., Brandlhuber, F., Reiniger, C.-D., and Manns, M., 2024. Predictive model-based geometry adjustments of automotive body-in-white sub-assemblies. Procedia CIRP, 128, 90–95. (doi)
  • Schützenberger, J., Reiniger, C.-D., and Manns, M., 2024. Applicability of control systems for predicting adjustments of body shop fixtures. Procedia CIRP, 126, 1023–1028. (doi)
  • Raza, S.M., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2024. Human Action Sequence Prediction for (Re)Configuring Machine Tools. Procedia CIRP, 130, 1170–1175. (doi)
  • Raza, S.M., Manns, M., and Choubey, B., 2024. Laser Metal Deposition Based Embedding of Optical Fibers. Procedia CIRP, 130, 1739–1744. (doi)
  • Jonek, M., Bast, M., and Manns, M., 2024. Manual assembly planning with AI Image Generators. Procedia CIRP, 130, 139–144. (doi)
  • Schiller, M., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Morez, D., Manns, M., and Engel, B., 2024. Smart design and additive manufacturing of bending tools to improve production flexibility. Manufacturing Letters, 41, 91–102. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Saeed, R., Tuli, T.B., Habersang, T., Weikum, M., Kuhlenkötter, B., and Manns, M., 2024. Human motion generation using latent space constraint for manual assembly tasks. In: WGP Jahreskongress 2024.


  • Tuli, T.B., Saeed, R., and Manns, M., 2024. Experimental design for human-to-human collaboration during collaborative object handling using digital twin (Poster presentation).
  • Tuli, T.B., Saeed, R., and Manns, M., 2024. Target position-constrained ‘reach’ human motion exhibits either Gaussian or Gaussian Mixture (Poster presentation).


Journal Articles

  • Schreiber, F., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Mouratidis, M., Engel, B., and Manns, M., 2023. Case Study on the Additive Manufacturability of Printed Soft-Robotic Bending Actuators. Procedia CIRP, 120, 720–725. (doi)
  • Schreiber, F., Decker, T., Nelles, O., and Manns, M., 2023. Modeling Static and Dynamic Bending Behavior of Soft Pneunets. Procedia CIRP, 120, 1487–1491. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2023. Explainable human activity recognition based on probabilistic spatial partitions for symbiotic workplaces. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1–18. (doi)
  • Alexopoulos, K., Weber, M., Trautner, T., Manns, M., Nikolakis, N., Weigold, M., and Engel, B., 2023. An industrial data-spaces framework for resilient manufacturing value chains. Procedia CIRP, 116, 299–304. (doi)
  • Manns, M. and Höhnen, D., 2023. Fragiles Produktionsverhalten automatisiert erkennen. Industrie 4.0 Management, (05), 17–21. 05
  • Jonek, M., Niermann, D., Petzoldt, C., Manns, M., and Freitag, M., 2023. Automated Analysis of Assembly Processes in Human-Robot Collaboration: Research Approaches and Challenges. Procedia CIRP, 120, 1203–1208. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Jonek, M., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2023. A Motion Capture-Based Approach to Human Work Analysis for Industrial Assembly Workstations. In: F.G. Galizia and M. Bortolini, eds. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 544–551. (doi)
  • Stade, D. and Manns, M., 2023. Robotic Assembly Line Balancing with Multimodal Stochastic Processing Times. In: N. Kiefl, F. Wulle, C. Ackermann, and D. Holder, eds. Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 78–84. (doi)
  • Stade, D. and Manns, M., 2023. Influence of Time-Variant Robotic Welding Processes in Car Body Construction. In: F.G. Galizia and M. Bortolini, eds. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 581–588. (doi)
  • Stade, D., Spoor, J.M., and Manns, M., 2023. A Multimodal Distribution Model of Stochastic Process Times in Resistance Spot Welding. In: F.G. Galizia and M. Bortolini, eds. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 589–597. (doi)
  • Spoor, J.M., Stade, D., Ovtcharova, J., and Manns, M., 2023. Reverse Engineering of Feedback Control Systems and Classification of Resistance Spot Welding Times Using Random Forest in Automotive Body-In-White Manufacturing. In: 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 1113–1119. (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Tuli, T.B., Henkel, M., and Manns, M., 2022. Latent Space Based Collaborative Motion Modeling from Motion Capture Data for Human Robot Collaboration. Procedia CIRP, 107, 1180–1185. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Manns, M., and Zeller, S., 2022. Human motion quality and accuracy measuring method for human-robot physical interactions. Intelligent Service Robotics. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2022. Comparison of AI-based Task Planning Approaches for Simulating Human-Robot Collaboration. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 158–165. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Manns, M., and Jonek, M., 2022. Understanding Shared Autonomy of Collaborative Humans Using Motion Capture System for Simulating Team Assembly. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 527–534. (doi)
  • Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Manns, M., Knoche, J., and Engel, B., 2022. Additive Manufacturing of TPU Pneu-Nets as Soft Robotic Actuators. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 269–276. (doi)
  • Schreiber, F., Lippok, T., Bätzel, J.U., and Manns, M., 2022. Applicability of Snap Joint Design Guidelines for Additive Manufacturing. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 277–284. (doi)
  • Jonek, M., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2022. Constraints for Motion Generation in Work Planning with Digital Human Simulations. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 567–574. (doi)
  • Manns, M. and Höhnen, D., 2022. Detecting Deterministic Chaotic Inter-arrival Times in Material Flow Systems. In: CPSL 2022 - Conference On Production Systems And Logistics). (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Patel, V.M., and Manns, M., 2022. Industrial Human Activity Prediction and Detection Using Sequential Memory Networks. In: CPSL 2022 - Conference On Production Systems And Logistics). (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Frohn-Sörensen, P., Geueke, M., Tuli, T.B., Kuhnhen, C., Manns, M., and Engel, B., 2021. 3D printed prototyping tools for flexible sheet metal drawing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (doi)
  • Breckle, T., Manns, M., and Kiefer, J., 2021. Assembly system design using interval-based customer demand. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 60, 239–251. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Tuli, T.B., and Schreiber, F., 2021. Identifying human intention during assembly operations using wearable motion capturing systems including eye focus. Procedia CIRP, 104, 924–929. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Manns, M., Zöller, C., and Klein, D., 2021. Path planning for simulating human motions in manual assembly operations. Procedia CIRP, 104, 930–934. (doi)
  • Schreiber, F. and Manns, M., 2021. Long-term cycle-tests of an additively manufactured soft ring-gripper. Procedia CIRP, 104, 798–802. (doi)
  • Geisler, T. and Manns, M., 2021. Layer thickness measurement of technically anodised aluminium surfaces by using goniometric scattered light. Metrology and Measurement Systems, vol. 28 (No 2), 371–382. No 2 (doi)
  • Jonek, M., Manns, M., and Tuli, T.B., 2021. Virtuelle Montageplanung mit Motion Capture Systemen/Virtual assembly planning with motion capture systems. wt Werkstattstechnik online, 111 (04), 256–259. 04

Conference Articles

  • Tuli, T.B., Kohl, L., Chala, S.A., Manns, M., and Ansari, F., 2021. Knowledge-Based Digital Twin for Predicting Interactions in Human-Robot Collaboration. In: 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 1–8. (doi)


  • Scherzer, S., Morales, J., and Manns, M., 2021. Greifvorrichtung. DE102021106667.0



  • Engel, B., Manns, M., Tuli, T.B., und Reuter, J., 2020. Roboterunterstütztes Biegen von Verbundrohren. VDI-Z. 12 (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Schreiber, F., Manns, M., and Morales, J., 2019. Design of an additively manufactured soft ring-gripper. Procedia Manufacturing, 28, 142–147. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2019. Hierarchical motion control for real time simulation of industrial robots. Procedia CIRP, 81, 713–718. (doi)
  • Geisler, T. and Manns, M., 2019. Examinations on the Grain Size/Scattered Light Value Relation of Extruded Aluminium AIMSi0.5. Practical Metallography, 56/3, 171–187. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2019. Real-Time Motion Tracking for Humans and Robots in a Collaborative Assembly Task. In: Proceedings of The 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. MDPI AG, 48. (doi)
  • Herrmann, E., Du, H., Antakli, A., Rubinstein, D., Schubotz, R., Sprenger, J., Hosseini, S., Cheema, N., Zinnikus, I., Manns, M., Fischer, K., and Slusallek, P., 2019. Motion Data and Model Management for Applied Statistical Motion Synthesis. In: M. Agus, M. Corsini, and R. Pintus, eds. Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference. The Eurographics Association, 79–88. (doi)


  • Tuli, T.B., Kempfle, J., Manns, M., and Laerhoven, K. van, 2019. Virtual reality based sensor fusion using HTC Vive trackers and IMU sensors for manual assembly operations (Poster presentation).


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M., Fischer, K., Du, H., Slusallek, P., and Alexopoulos, K., 2018. A new approach to plan manual assembly. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31 (9), 907–920. 9 (doi)
  • Manns, M., Morales, J., and Frohn, P., 2018. Additive manufacturing of silicon based PneuNets as soft robotic actuators. Procedia CIRP, 72 (1), 328–333. 1 (doi)
  • Kiefer, J., Breckle, T., Stetter, R., and Manns, M., 2018. Digital assembly planning using graph-based design languages. Procedia CIRP, 72, 802–807. (doi)
  • Agethen, P., Gaisbauer, F., Froehlich, P., Manns, M., and Rukzio, E., 2018. Towards Realistic Walk Path Simulation in Automotive Assembly Lines: A Probabilistic Approach. Procedia CIRP, 67, 464–469. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Agethen, P., Gaisbauer, F., Manns, M., Link, M., and Rukzio, E., 2018. Towards realistic walk path simulation of single subjects: presenting a probabilistic motion planning algorithm. In: P. Charalambous, Y. Chrysanthou, B. Jones, and J. Lee, eds. MIG - Annual International Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games. ACM, 17:1–17:10. (doi)
  • Agethen, P., Neher, T., Gaisbauer, F., Manns, M., and Rukzio, E., 2018. A Probabilistic Motion Planning Algorithm for Realistic Walk Path Simulation. In: E. Jain and Kosinka Jirı́, eds. Eurographics (Posters). Eurographics Association, 3–4. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Engel, B., Morales, J., and Frohn, P., 2018. Additive Fertigung von elastomerischen Greifern für Soft Robotics. In: Proceedings 37. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium der Montanuniversität Leoben. 79–84.


Journal Articles

  • Herrmann, E., Manns, M., Du, H., Hosseini, S., and Fischer, K., 2017. Accelerating statistical human motion synthesis using space partitioning data structures. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 28 (3-4), e1780. 3-4 (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Breckle, T., Kiefer, J., Rudolph, S., and Manns, M., 2017. Engineering of assembly systems using graph-based design languages. In: Proceedings of the ICED17 The 21st International Conference on Engineering Design. 519–528.
  • Breckle, T., Kiefer, J., Kiesel, M., and Manns, M., 2017. Konzeptplanung von Montagesystemen mit graphen-basierten Entwurfssprachen. In: W. Commerell, ed. ASIM-Treffen STS/GMMS 2017, Tagungsband.


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M., Mengel, S., and Mauer, M., 2016. Experimental Effort of Data Driven Human Motion Simulation in Automotive Assembly. Procedia CIRP, 44, 114–119. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Otto, M., and Mauer, M., 2016. Measuring Motion Capture Data Quality for Data Driven Human Motion Synthesis. Procedia CIRP, 41, 945–950. (doi)
  • Du, H., Manns, M., Herrmann, E., and Fischer, K., 2016. Joint Angle Data Representation for Data Driven Human Motion Synthesis. Procedia CIRP, 41, 746–751. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Du, H., Hosseini, S., Manns, M., Herrmann, E., and Fischer, K., 2016. Scaled functional principal component analysis for human motion synthesis. In: M. Neff, R. Geraerts, and H.P.H. Shum, eds. MIG - Annual International Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games. ACM, 139–144. (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Arteaga Martı́n N. A., 2015. Improving A* Walk Trajectories with B-splines and Motion Capture for Manual Assembly Verification. Procedia CIRP, 33, 364–369. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Wallis, R., and Deuse, J., 2015. Automatic Proposal of Assembly Work Plans with a Controlled Natural Language. Procedia CIRP, 33, 345–350. (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Arteaga Martı́n N. A., 2014. A vagueness measure for concurrent engineering of manual assembly lines. Production Engineering, 8 (1), 225–231. 1 (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Arteaga Martı́n N. A., 2013. Automated DHM Modeling for Integrated Alpha-Numeric and Geometric Assembly Planning. Smart Product Engineering, 325–334. (doi)


  • Manns, M., Arteaga Martı́n N. A., and Bär, T., 2013. Verfahren zum Erzeugen einer Simulation von wenigstens einem durch zumindest einen Werker durchzuführenden Montagevorgang. DE102013016174 (A1)



  • Bär, T., Gerth, H.-P., Manns, M., and Steffen, J., 2012. Verfahren und Datenverarbeitungseinrichtung zum Beschreiben eines Arbeitsvorgangs. DE102012010472 (A1)


Conference Articles

  • Wack, K.-J., Otto, M., and Manns, M., 2011. Efficient preparation for cross-functional digital production validation. In: 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems.


Conference Articles

  • Kiefer, J., Wack, K.-J., and Manns, M., 2010. Cross-Functional Digital Production Validation Framework for Automotive Industry. In: 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
  • Manns, M. and Wack, K.-J., 2010. Assessment of an organization for digital production planning validation with axiomatic design. In: 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems.


Journal Articles

  • ElMaraghy, H.A. and Manns, M., 2009. Synchronisation of inter-arrival times in manufacturing systems with main and side loops. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (7), 1931–1954. 7 (doi)
  • Manns, M. and ElMaraghy, H.A., 2009. Inter-arrival time patterns in manufacturing systems with main and side loops. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (10), 2721–2744. 10 (doi)


Conference Articles

  • Manns, M., Urbanic, R.J., and ElMaraghy, H.A., 2008. A design approach for reconfigurable assembly systems. In: 2nd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems.


Journal Articles

  • ElMaraghy, H.A. and Manns, M., 2007. Transition of interarrival time patterns between automated and manual configurations of assembly systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 26 (1), 1–11. 1 (doi)

Conference Articles

  • ElMaraghy, H.A. and Manns, M., 2007. Inter-arrival time distributions in reconfigurable manufacturing systems with main and side loops. In: 2nd CARV International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production.


Journal Articles

  • Tönshoff, H.K. and Manns, M., 2006. Conveying bottleneck forecast for flexible manufacturing systems. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Production Engineering, XIII (2), 191–196. 2

Conference Articles

  • Manns, M. and ElMaraghy, H.A., 2006. Measuring behavioral complexity in cyclically coupled flexible assembly systems with side-loops. In: CIRP-ISAS 1st CIRP International Seminar on Assembly Systems. 239–244.


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Tönshoff, H.K., 2005. Applicability of neuro-fuzzy function approximation in material-flow forecasting. KES Journal, 9 (2), 81–92. 2 (doi)


  • Manns, M., 2005. Förderengpaßprognose verketteter Produktionssysteme mit Nebenflüssen durch neuronale Netze. PhD thesis. Produktionstechnisches Zentrum GmbH.


Conference Articles

  • Tönshoff, H.K., Reinsch, S., and Manns, M., 2004. Evaluation of neuro-fuzzy classifiers regarding the selection of plastic welding processes. In: CIRP-ICME 2004 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. 483–488.


Journal Articles

  • Tönshoff, H.K., Manns, M., and Spardel, K., 2003. CANFIS based Material Flow Forecast for Assembly Lines. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Production Engineering, X (2), 77–80. 2

Conference Articles

  • Manns, M., Tönshoff, H.K., and Spardel, K., 2003. Neuro-Fuzzy method to forecast behaviour of material-flow simulations for assembly lines. In: IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling. 285–289.


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Manns

+49 271 740 - 5041
PB-A 339/1
Universität Siegen
Fakultät IV
Department Maschinenbau
Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Montage
Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11
57076 Siegen
Im Vorlesungszeitraum mittwochs 11:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr, außerhalb nach Vereinbarung


Studium des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Auslandssemester an der Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, Frankreich
Marketing OEM/Unternehmensentwicklung bei der SIG Positec BERGERLAHR GmbH
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IPH-Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH
Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. an der Universität Hannover
Post-Doctorate Fellow am Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) Centre der University of Windsor, Ontario, Kanada
Projektleiter Automatisierungstechnologien bei der Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Forscher/Entwickler Produktionsplanung / produktionsnahe Forschung bei der Daimler AG
seit 2016
Universitätsprofessor, Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Montage an der Universität Siegen
seit 2018
Vorstandsmitglied des Siegener Mittelstandsinstituts (SMI) und assoziiertes Mitglied des Zentrums für Sensorsysteme (ZESS)
seit 2019
Delegierter der Universität Siegen im Fakultätentag Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (FTMV)
seit 2024
Departmentsprecher Maschinenbau



Journal Articles

  • Elleuch, W., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2025. Mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit für die Kleinserienproduktion: Skalierbare und flexible Rohkarosserie-Fertigungslinie mit kollaborativen mobilen Robotern. Industry 4.0 Science, 41 (2), 60–67. 2


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M., Raza, S.M., Morez, D., Schreiber, F., and Engel, B., 2024. Embedding optical fiber with laser metal deposition. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. (doi)
  • Schiller, M., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Morez, D., Manns, M., and Engel, B., 2024. Smart design and additive manufacturing of bending tools to improve production flexibility. Manufacturing Letters, 41, 91–102. (doi)
  • Stade, D., Spoor, J.M., Manns, M., and Ovtcharova, J., 2024. Process time distribution simulation in robotic assembly line balancing. International Journal of Production Research, 0 (0), 1–18. 0 (doi)
  • Schützenberger, J., Brandlhuber, F., Reiniger, C.-D., and Manns, M., 2024. Predictive model-based geometry adjustments of automotive body-in-white sub-assemblies. Procedia CIRP, 128, 90–95. (doi)
  • Schützenberger, J., Reiniger, C.-D., and Manns, M., 2024. Applicability of control systems for predicting adjustments of body shop fixtures. Procedia CIRP, 126, 1023–1028. (doi)
  • Raza, S.M., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2024. Human Action Sequence Prediction for (Re)Configuring Machine Tools. Procedia CIRP, 130, 1170–1175. (doi)
  • Raza, S.M., Manns, M., and Choubey, B., 2024. Laser Metal Deposition Based Embedding of Optical Fibers. Procedia CIRP, 130, 1739–1744. (doi)
  • Jonek, M., Bast, M., and Manns, M., 2024. Manual assembly planning with AI Image Generators. Procedia CIRP, 130, 139–144. (doi)
  • Schiller, M., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Morez, D., Manns, M., and Engel, B., 2024. Smart design and additive manufacturing of bending tools to improve production flexibility. Manufacturing Letters, 41, 91–102. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Saeed, R., Tuli, T.B., Habersang, T., Weikum, M., Kuhlenkötter, B., and Manns, M., 2024. Human motion generation using latent space constraint for manual assembly tasks. In: WGP Jahreskongress 2024.


  • Tuli, T.B., Saeed, R., and Manns, M., 2024. Experimental design for human-to-human collaboration during collaborative object handling using digital twin (Poster presentation).
  • Tuli, T.B., Saeed, R., and Manns, M., 2024. Target position-constrained ‘reach’ human motion exhibits either Gaussian or Gaussian Mixture (Poster presentation).


Journal Articles

  • Schreiber, F., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Mouratidis, M., Engel, B., and Manns, M., 2023. Case Study on the Additive Manufacturability of Printed Soft-Robotic Bending Actuators. Procedia CIRP, 120, 720–725. (doi)
  • Schreiber, F., Decker, T., Nelles, O., and Manns, M., 2023. Modeling Static and Dynamic Bending Behavior of Soft Pneunets. Procedia CIRP, 120, 1487–1491. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2023. Explainable human activity recognition based on probabilistic spatial partitions for symbiotic workplaces. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1–18. (doi)
  • Alexopoulos, K., Weber, M., Trautner, T., Manns, M., Nikolakis, N., Weigold, M., and Engel, B., 2023. An industrial data-spaces framework for resilient manufacturing value chains. Procedia CIRP, 116, 299–304. (doi)
  • Manns, M. and Höhnen, D., 2023. Fragiles Produktionsverhalten automatisiert erkennen. Industrie 4.0 Management, (05), 17–21. 05
  • Jonek, M., Niermann, D., Petzoldt, C., Manns, M., and Freitag, M., 2023. Automated Analysis of Assembly Processes in Human-Robot Collaboration: Research Approaches and Challenges. Procedia CIRP, 120, 1203–1208. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Jonek, M., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2023. A Motion Capture-Based Approach to Human Work Analysis for Industrial Assembly Workstations. In: F.G. Galizia and M. Bortolini, eds. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 544–551. (doi)
  • Stade, D. and Manns, M., 2023. Robotic Assembly Line Balancing with Multimodal Stochastic Processing Times. In: N. Kiefl, F. Wulle, C. Ackermann, and D. Holder, eds. Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 78–84. (doi)
  • Stade, D. and Manns, M., 2023. Influence of Time-Variant Robotic Welding Processes in Car Body Construction. In: F.G. Galizia and M. Bortolini, eds. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 581–588. (doi)
  • Stade, D., Spoor, J.M., and Manns, M., 2023. A Multimodal Distribution Model of Stochastic Process Times in Resistance Spot Welding. In: F.G. Galizia and M. Bortolini, eds. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 589–597. (doi)
  • Spoor, J.M., Stade, D., Ovtcharova, J., and Manns, M., 2023. Reverse Engineering of Feedback Control Systems and Classification of Resistance Spot Welding Times Using Random Forest in Automotive Body-In-White Manufacturing. In: 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 1113–1119. (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Tuli, T.B., Henkel, M., and Manns, M., 2022. Latent Space Based Collaborative Motion Modeling from Motion Capture Data for Human Robot Collaboration. Procedia CIRP, 107, 1180–1185. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Manns, M., and Zeller, S., 2022. Human motion quality and accuracy measuring method for human-robot physical interactions. Intelligent Service Robotics. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2022. Comparison of AI-based Task Planning Approaches for Simulating Human-Robot Collaboration. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 158–165. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Manns, M., and Jonek, M., 2022. Understanding Shared Autonomy of Collaborative Humans Using Motion Capture System for Simulating Team Assembly. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 527–534. (doi)
  • Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Manns, M., Knoche, J., and Engel, B., 2022. Additive Manufacturing of TPU Pneu-Nets as Soft Robotic Actuators. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 269–276. (doi)
  • Schreiber, F., Lippok, T., Bätzel, J.U., and Manns, M., 2022. Applicability of Snap Joint Design Guidelines for Additive Manufacturing. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 277–284. (doi)
  • Jonek, M., Tuli, T.B., and Manns, M., 2022. Constraints for Motion Generation in Work Planning with Digital Human Simulations. In: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, and S. Kjeldgaard, eds. Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 567–574. (doi)
  • Manns, M. and Höhnen, D., 2022. Detecting Deterministic Chaotic Inter-arrival Times in Material Flow Systems. In: CPSL 2022 - Conference On Production Systems And Logistics). (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Patel, V.M., and Manns, M., 2022. Industrial Human Activity Prediction and Detection Using Sequential Memory Networks. In: CPSL 2022 - Conference On Production Systems And Logistics). (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Frohn-Sörensen, P., Geueke, M., Tuli, T.B., Kuhnhen, C., Manns, M., and Engel, B., 2021. 3D printed prototyping tools for flexible sheet metal drawing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (doi)
  • Breckle, T., Manns, M., and Kiefer, J., 2021. Assembly system design using interval-based customer demand. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 60, 239–251. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Tuli, T.B., and Schreiber, F., 2021. Identifying human intention during assembly operations using wearable motion capturing systems including eye focus. Procedia CIRP, 104, 924–929. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B., Manns, M., Zöller, C., and Klein, D., 2021. Path planning for simulating human motions in manual assembly operations. Procedia CIRP, 104, 930–934. (doi)
  • Schreiber, F. and Manns, M., 2021. Long-term cycle-tests of an additively manufactured soft ring-gripper. Procedia CIRP, 104, 798–802. (doi)
  • Geisler, T. and Manns, M., 2021. Layer thickness measurement of technically anodised aluminium surfaces by using goniometric scattered light. Metrology and Measurement Systems, vol. 28 (No 2), 371–382. No 2 (doi)
  • Jonek, M., Manns, M., and Tuli, T.B., 2021. Virtuelle Montageplanung mit Motion Capture Systemen/Virtual assembly planning with motion capture systems. wt Werkstattstechnik online, 111 (04), 256–259. 04

Conference Articles

  • Tuli, T.B., Kohl, L., Chala, S.A., Manns, M., and Ansari, F., 2021. Knowledge-Based Digital Twin for Predicting Interactions in Human-Robot Collaboration. In: 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 1–8. (doi)


  • Scherzer, S., Morales, J., and Manns, M., 2021. Greifvorrichtung. DE102021106667.0



  • Engel, B., Manns, M., Tuli, T.B., und Reuter, J., 2020. Roboterunterstütztes Biegen von Verbundrohren. VDI-Z. 12 (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Schreiber, F., Manns, M., and Morales, J., 2019. Design of an additively manufactured soft ring-gripper. Procedia Manufacturing, 28, 142–147. (doi)
  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2019. Hierarchical motion control for real time simulation of industrial robots. Procedia CIRP, 81, 713–718. (doi)
  • Geisler, T. and Manns, M., 2019. Examinations on the Grain Size/Scattered Light Value Relation of Extruded Aluminium AIMSi0.5. Practical Metallography, 56/3, 171–187. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Tuli, T.B. and Manns, M., 2019. Real-Time Motion Tracking for Humans and Robots in a Collaborative Assembly Task. In: Proceedings of The 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. MDPI AG, 48. (doi)
  • Herrmann, E., Du, H., Antakli, A., Rubinstein, D., Schubotz, R., Sprenger, J., Hosseini, S., Cheema, N., Zinnikus, I., Manns, M., Fischer, K., and Slusallek, P., 2019. Motion Data and Model Management for Applied Statistical Motion Synthesis. In: M. Agus, M. Corsini, and R. Pintus, eds. Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference. The Eurographics Association, 79–88. (doi)


  • Tuli, T.B., Kempfle, J., Manns, M., and Laerhoven, K. van, 2019. Virtual reality based sensor fusion using HTC Vive trackers and IMU sensors for manual assembly operations (Poster presentation).


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M., Fischer, K., Du, H., Slusallek, P., and Alexopoulos, K., 2018. A new approach to plan manual assembly. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31 (9), 907–920. 9 (doi)
  • Manns, M., Morales, J., and Frohn, P., 2018. Additive manufacturing of silicon based PneuNets as soft robotic actuators. Procedia CIRP, 72 (1), 328–333. 1 (doi)
  • Kiefer, J., Breckle, T., Stetter, R., and Manns, M., 2018. Digital assembly planning using graph-based design languages. Procedia CIRP, 72, 802–807. (doi)
  • Agethen, P., Gaisbauer, F., Froehlich, P., Manns, M., and Rukzio, E., 2018. Towards Realistic Walk Path Simulation in Automotive Assembly Lines: A Probabilistic Approach. Procedia CIRP, 67, 464–469. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Agethen, P., Gaisbauer, F., Manns, M., Link, M., and Rukzio, E., 2018. Towards realistic walk path simulation of single subjects: presenting a probabilistic motion planning algorithm. In: P. Charalambous, Y. Chrysanthou, B. Jones, and J. Lee, eds. MIG - Annual International Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games. ACM, 17:1–17:10. (doi)
  • Agethen, P., Neher, T., Gaisbauer, F., Manns, M., and Rukzio, E., 2018. A Probabilistic Motion Planning Algorithm for Realistic Walk Path Simulation. In: E. Jain and Kosinka Jirı́, eds. Eurographics (Posters). Eurographics Association, 3–4. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Engel, B., Morales, J., and Frohn, P., 2018. Additive Fertigung von elastomerischen Greifern für Soft Robotics. In: Proceedings 37. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium der Montanuniversität Leoben. 79–84.


Journal Articles

  • Herrmann, E., Manns, M., Du, H., Hosseini, S., and Fischer, K., 2017. Accelerating statistical human motion synthesis using space partitioning data structures. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 28 (3-4), e1780. 3-4 (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Breckle, T., Kiefer, J., Rudolph, S., and Manns, M., 2017. Engineering of assembly systems using graph-based design languages. In: Proceedings of the ICED17 The 21st International Conference on Engineering Design. 519–528.
  • Breckle, T., Kiefer, J., Kiesel, M., and Manns, M., 2017. Konzeptplanung von Montagesystemen mit graphen-basierten Entwurfssprachen. In: W. Commerell, ed. ASIM-Treffen STS/GMMS 2017, Tagungsband.


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M., Mengel, S., and Mauer, M., 2016. Experimental Effort of Data Driven Human Motion Simulation in Automotive Assembly. Procedia CIRP, 44, 114–119. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Otto, M., and Mauer, M., 2016. Measuring Motion Capture Data Quality for Data Driven Human Motion Synthesis. Procedia CIRP, 41, 945–950. (doi)
  • Du, H., Manns, M., Herrmann, E., and Fischer, K., 2016. Joint Angle Data Representation for Data Driven Human Motion Synthesis. Procedia CIRP, 41, 746–751. (doi)

Conference Articles

  • Du, H., Hosseini, S., Manns, M., Herrmann, E., and Fischer, K., 2016. Scaled functional principal component analysis for human motion synthesis. In: M. Neff, R. Geraerts, and H.P.H. Shum, eds. MIG - Annual International Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games. ACM, 139–144. (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Arteaga Martı́n N. A., 2015. Improving A* Walk Trajectories with B-splines and Motion Capture for Manual Assembly Verification. Procedia CIRP, 33, 364–369. (doi)
  • Manns, M., Wallis, R., and Deuse, J., 2015. Automatic Proposal of Assembly Work Plans with a Controlled Natural Language. Procedia CIRP, 33, 345–350. (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Arteaga Martı́n N. A., 2014. A vagueness measure for concurrent engineering of manual assembly lines. Production Engineering, 8 (1), 225–231. 1 (doi)


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Arteaga Martı́n N. A., 2013. Automated DHM Modeling for Integrated Alpha-Numeric and Geometric Assembly Planning. Smart Product Engineering, 325–334. (doi)


  • Manns, M., Arteaga Martı́n N. A., and Bär, T., 2013. Verfahren zum Erzeugen einer Simulation von wenigstens einem durch zumindest einen Werker durchzuführenden Montagevorgang. DE102013016174 (A1)



  • Bär, T., Gerth, H.-P., Manns, M., and Steffen, J., 2012. Verfahren und Datenverarbeitungseinrichtung zum Beschreiben eines Arbeitsvorgangs. DE102012010472 (A1)


Conference Articles

  • Wack, K.-J., Otto, M., and Manns, M., 2011. Efficient preparation for cross-functional digital production validation. In: 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems.


Conference Articles

  • Kiefer, J., Wack, K.-J., and Manns, M., 2010. Cross-Functional Digital Production Validation Framework for Automotive Industry. In: 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
  • Manns, M. and Wack, K.-J., 2010. Assessment of an organization for digital production planning validation with axiomatic design. In: 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems.


Journal Articles

  • ElMaraghy, H.A. and Manns, M., 2009. Synchronisation of inter-arrival times in manufacturing systems with main and side loops. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (7), 1931–1954. 7 (doi)
  • Manns, M. and ElMaraghy, H.A., 2009. Inter-arrival time patterns in manufacturing systems with main and side loops. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (10), 2721–2744. 10 (doi)


Conference Articles

  • Manns, M., Urbanic, R.J., and ElMaraghy, H.A., 2008. A design approach for reconfigurable assembly systems. In: 2nd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems.


Journal Articles

  • ElMaraghy, H.A. and Manns, M., 2007. Transition of interarrival time patterns between automated and manual configurations of assembly systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 26 (1), 1–11. 1 (doi)

Conference Articles

  • ElMaraghy, H.A. and Manns, M., 2007. Inter-arrival time distributions in reconfigurable manufacturing systems with main and side loops. In: 2nd CARV International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production.


Journal Articles

  • Tönshoff, H.K. and Manns, M., 2006. Conveying bottleneck forecast for flexible manufacturing systems. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Production Engineering, XIII (2), 191–196. 2

Conference Articles

  • Manns, M. and ElMaraghy, H.A., 2006. Measuring behavioral complexity in cyclically coupled flexible assembly systems with side-loops. In: CIRP-ISAS 1st CIRP International Seminar on Assembly Systems. 239–244.


Journal Articles

  • Manns, M. and Tönshoff, H.K., 2005. Applicability of neuro-fuzzy function approximation in material-flow forecasting. KES Journal, 9 (2), 81–92. 2 (doi)


  • Manns, M., 2005. Förderengpaßprognose verketteter Produktionssysteme mit Nebenflüssen durch neuronale Netze. PhD thesis. Produktionstechnisches Zentrum GmbH.


Conference Articles

  • Tönshoff, H.K., Reinsch, S., and Manns, M., 2004. Evaluation of neuro-fuzzy classifiers regarding the selection of plastic welding processes. In: CIRP-ICME 2004 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. 483–488.


Journal Articles

  • Tönshoff, H.K., Manns, M., and Spardel, K., 2003. CANFIS based Material Flow Forecast for Assembly Lines. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Production Engineering, X (2), 77–80. 2

Conference Articles

  • Manns, M., Tönshoff, H.K., and Spardel, K., 2003. Neuro-Fuzzy method to forecast behaviour of material-flow simulations for assembly lines. In: IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling. 285–289.