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FAMS - Chair of Production Automation and Assembly

Projektfläche des FAMS

The Chair for Manufacturing Automation and Assembly (FAMS) is led by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Manns. FAMS is part of the PROTECH - Institute for Production Technology at the University of Siegen and cooperates with the Department Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Zentrum for Sensor systems (ZESS).

Research topics:

FAMS - Chair of Production Automation and Assembly

Projektfläche des FAMS

The Chair for Manufacturing Automation and Assembly (FAMS) is led by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Manns. FAMS is part of the PROTECH - Institute for Production Technology at the University of Siegen and cooperates with the Department Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Zentrum for Sensor systems (ZESS).

Research topics: