Kaleem, M. A., Steinheimer, R., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Gabsa, S., Engel, B. (2024). Additive manufacturing of polymeric pressure die for rotary draw bending process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
Kaleem, M. A., Steinheimer, R., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Kotzian, T., Engel, B. (2024). Topology optimization of forming tools: pressure die in rotary draw bending process. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM).
Kaleem, M. A., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Nebeling, D., Engel, B. (2024). Refinement of Process Parameters in Rotary Draw Bending Processes. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity.
Kaleem, M. A., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Geueke, M., Engel, B. (2023). The way forward in rotary draw bending: a review. BIEGEN IN SIEGEN. Tagungsband zum 6. Biegeforum.
Frohn-Sörensen,P. (2023). Process Development of Incremental Swivel Bending − ISB. Doctoral Thesis. doi: 10.25819/ubsi/10305
Habraken, A. M., Aksen, T. A., Alves, J. L., Amaral, R. L., Betaieb, E., Chandola, N., ... & Vincze, G. (2022). Analysis of ESAFORM 2021 cup drawing benchmark of an Al alloy, critical factors for accuracy and efficiency of FE simulations. International Journal of Material Forming, 15(5), 1-96.
Khosravani, M. R., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Reuter, J., Engel, B., & Reinicke, T. (2022). Fracture studies of 3D-printed continuous glass fiber reinforced composites. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 119, 103317.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Geueke, M., Engel, B., Löffler, B., Bickendorf, P., Asimi, A., ... & Schuh, G. (2022). Design for 3D Printed Tools: Mechanical Material Properties for Direct Polymer Additive Tooling. Polymers, 14(9), 1694.
Geueke, M., Frohn-Sörensen, P., Reuter, J., Engel, B., Reinicke, T., Padavub, N. (2021). Structural optimization of additively manufactured polymer tools for flexible sheet metal forming.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Schreiber, F., Manns, M., Knoche, J., & Engel, B. (2021). Additive Manufacturing of TPU Pneu-Nets as Soft Robotic Actuators. In Towards Sustainable Customization. Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems (pp. 269-276). Springer, Cham.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Geueke, M., Tuli, T. B., Kuhnhen, C., Manns, M., & Engel, B. (2021). 3D printed prototyping tools for flexible sheet metal drawing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-15.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Reuter, J., & Engel, B. (2021). Influencing the forming zone by altering the contact pressure in a bending process.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Cislo, C., Paschke, H., Stockinger, M., & Engel, B. (2021). Dry friction under pressure variation of PACVD TiN surfaces on selected automotive sheet metals for the application in unlubricated metal forming. Wear, 203750.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Hochstrate, W., Schiller, M., Schneider, D., & Engel, B. (2021). Analytic process model for flexible manufacturing of cylindrical or conical sheet metal profiles in an incremental sequence. Procedia CIRP, 99, 254-259.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Hochstrate, W., Schneider, D., Schiller, M., & Engel, B. (2021). Incremental bending of conic profiles on CNC hydraulic bending machines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235(6-7), 1248-1268.
Borchmann, L.; Frohn-Sörensen, P. & Engel, B. (2020). In situ detection and control of wrinkle formation during rotary draw bending. Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 50, 589-596,
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Hochstrate, W., Schneider, D., Schiller, M., & Engel, B. (2020). Incremental bending of conic profiles on CNC hydraulic bending machines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 0954405420982227.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Geueke, M., Belay, T. T., Kuhnhen, C., Manns, M., & Engel, B. (2020). 3D printed prototyping tools for flexible sheet metal drawing.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Borchmann, L., & Engel, B. (2020). Modelling the forming zone of force fitted bending processes. Procedia Manufacturing, 50, 411-417,
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Mašek, B., Wagner, M. F. X., Rubešová, K., Khalaj, O., Engel, B. (2020). Flexible manufacturing chain with integrated incremental bending and QP heat treatment for on-demand production of AHSS safety parts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 275, 116312. doi 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2019.116312.
Frohn-Sörensen, P., Cislo, C., Paschke, P., Stockinger, M., Engel, B. (2020). Ermittlung von Trockenreibungskoeffizienten; Maschinen-, Mess- und Werkzeugtechnik. In Proc. 39. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium der Montanuniversität Leoben, Zauchensee, Austria.
Groth, S., Frohn, P., and Engel, B. (2019). Product planning system for manufacture-oriented modeling of freeform bend tubes produced by three-roll-push-bending. Procedia Manufacturing, 34, 10-18. doi 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.06.107.
Frohn, P., Borchmann, L., Engel, B. (2019). On the forming mechanisms of frictionally engaged linear processes under consideration of incremental swivel bending (ISB). Procedia Manufacturing, 29, 169-176. doi 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.122.
Borchmann, L., Kuhnhen, C., Frohn, P., Engel, B. (2019). Sensitivity analysis of the rotary draw bending process as a database of digital equipping support. Procedia Manufacturing, 29, 592-599. doi 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.100.
Hochstrate, W., Engel, B., Frohn, P., Schiller, M. &. Schneider, D. (2019). Kegelförmige Bauteile lassen sich flexibel schwenkbiegen (Conical parts can be bent flexibly by swivel bending). Maschinenmarkt, 125 (14), 46-48. Vogel Verlag.
Schneider, D., Frohn, P., Schiller, M., Hochstrate, W., Engel, B. (2019). Inkrementelles Kegelbiegen auf Schwenkbiegemaschinen. In Proc. 38. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium der Montanuniversität Leoben, Zauchensee, Austria, 107-112.
Frohn, P., Engel, B., & Groth, S. (2018). Analytic description of the frictionally engaged in-plane bending process incremental swivel bending (ISB). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1960, No. 1, p. 160006). AIP Publishing. doi 10.1063/1.5035032
Groth, S., Engel, B., & Frohn, P. (2018). Approach to a manufacture-oriented modeling of bent tubes depending on the curvature distribution during three-roll-push-bending. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1960, No. 1, p. 110006). AIP Publishing. doi 10.1063/1.5034963
Manns, M., Morales, J., Frohn, P. (2018). Additive manufacturing of silicon based PneuNets as soft robotic actuators. Procedia CIRP, 72, 328-333. doi 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.186
Wanger, T. C., & Frohn, P. (2018). Testing the Efficient Network TRaining (ENTR) Hypothesis initially reducing training image size makes Convolutional Neural Network training for image recognition tasks more efficient. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.11583.
Frohn, P., Jirkova, H., Mašek, B., Engel, B. (2017). Changes of plastic properties of incremental formed UHSS profiles by subsequent Q-P processing. In Proc. Plasticity, Damage and Fracture, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 4-6.
Engel, B., Frohn, P., Hillebrecht, M., Knappe, A. (2017). Incremental swivel bending for scalable lightweight structures. ATZ worldwide, 119(5), 26-31. doi 10.1007/s38311-017-0023-2.
Engel, B., Frohn, P., Hillebrecht, M., Knappe, A. (2017). Inkrementelles Schwenkbiegen zur kostengünstigen Herstellung von Trägerstrukturen (in Elektrofahrzeugen). Konferenzband ATZ Karosseriebautage Hamburg, Springer Vieweg Verlag, 235-248.
Engel, B., Frohn, P., Knappe, A., Wunderlich, A. (2016). Strukturbauteile aus hochfestem Profil fertigen. UMFORMtechnik, 50, 5/2016, 16-17. Meisenbach Verlag.
Engel, B., Kuhnhen, C., Mathes, C., Heftrich, C., Frohn, P., & Groth, S. (2014). A new approach for quantitative evaluation of bending components. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 622, pp. 1095-1102). Trans Tech Publications. doi 10.4028/
Engel, B., Böcking, J., Frohn, P., Groth, S., Heftrich, C., Hinkel, M., Kersten, S., Kopfer, P., Kuhnhen, C., Mathes, C., Soemer, E. (2014). VDI 3431-Gründruck - Prüfhinweise für Biegebauteile aus Profilen. Beuth Verlag Berlin 06.2014
Engel, B.; Groth, S.; Kuhnhen, C.; Frohn, P. (2014). Einfluss von Parameterkombinationen auf die Herstellung von Referenzgeometrien mittels ISB (Inkrementelles Schwenkbiegen, 33. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (15.03.-18.03.2014), Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, S. 148-153.
Engel, B.; Groth, S.; Kuhnhen, C.; Frohn, P.; Knappe, A. (2014). Profilträgerstrukturen durch inkrementelles Schwenkbiegen. Maschinenmarkt (25), Vogel Verlag, S. 30-33.
Frohn, P., Arjmand, M., Azimi, G., Leion, H., Mattisson, T., & Lyngfelt, A. (2013). On the high‐gasification rate of Brazilian manganese ore in chemical‐looping combustion (CLC) for solid fuels. AIChE Journal, 59(11), 4346-4354. doi 10.1002/aic.14168.